Sex Toys: What You Need to Know

Sex toys combine two things we humans love most: sexual pleasure and fun! Today, the pleasure product industry grosses a whopping $15 billion annually, but a mere decade ago sex toys lived on the fringes, just starting to break through into the mainstream. Thanks to stores like Good Vibrations in the US or Ann Summers in the UK, with their clean, brightly lit locations and helpful, non-judgmental staff, consumers began thinking of sex toys as something normal and acceptable. The subsequent growth of the online sex toy industry, and the success of books and movies like the Fifty Shades of Grey series, further helped take away the stigma and offered the pleasure seeking client a whole new world of opportunities for sexy fun.

It’s true that the sex toy industry used to be primarily female-focused. And while sex toys make pleasure and orgasms more accessible for many women, the industry is now catching up with its male clients, as well. Sex toys now add pleasure to both solo and partner sex, and the latest innovations even allow a couple to pleasure each other from different locations across the globe.

If you’d like to learn more about sex toys today, both in terms of popular products, and the latest innovations, check out this latest episode of the Get Sex-Smart podcast. In it, Dr. Valeria Chuba and Sarah Martin, sexologists and sex coaches, talk about sex toys and give tips and advice on picking, using, caring for, and having fun with your sex toys:

Click here to listen to this podcast episode

The rapid growth and popularity of the sex toy industry is easy to understand, since sex toys make it easy to bring pleasure and excitement to any sexual encounter. Before you purchase a toy, it’s important to do your research and if possible, to look at toys in a store to get a good feel for them. Alternatively, online pleasure product shops offer both expert and customer reviews that can make your choice easier. Always remember to take good care of your sex toys, and to store and clean them properly. And whenever you decide to introduce a toy to your sexual partner, make sure he or she is completely on board. Picking out a toy together and discussing all the naughty ways you can use it on each other can be half the fun; the key is staying open minded and focused on pleasure and enjoyment.