Internet Connection Issues? Here Are Possible Solutions

 Internet issues are very common nowadays. It irritates a lot when we are at the workplace or at home; preparing any work report or trying to send any email but fails. There can be many reasons behind these issues. As we are here you no need to worry, we are up for sharing many methods with you so, keep on reading the article to learn new methods.

If You Are Not Able to Access The Web

Here we assume that your internet was working on the earlier point. If you are trying to set up for the first time. You also need to follow the instructions given to you on the router and the modem. For that you need to unbox the box and take out the manual and read it. 

Reboot the Computer

Although reboot can also help you to fix the problem. This step seems so simple but you will be shocked to see the results. However, once you reboot the computer there the problem flies. I am trying to say that a simple step can resolve an issue that can surprise you.

You have to check other options if the reboot doesn't work, try using Or check it might be a problem of access that is restoring the access.

Network Troubleshooting Best Practices

To make the internet run more efficiently and painlessly, we have to practice many ways to keep that in place. To help yourself in setting up the network issues you have to practise these steps well, as we have given so easy steps. Which can solve your problem in a very streamlined way.

Collect information. To diagnose the problem best, you have to ask other users as if they are also facing the same problem. Collect enough information to resolve the problem in a certain manner. You can replicate the issue like this. As, once which looks like a problem could be a part of a bigger issue. 

Customize logs.  Ensure that you should customize events and security logs, to provide information so that you get support for troubleshooting efforts. You should get a clear description of each log, which item or event should be logged in, and the information of the log and an IP address.  The date and time are all sourceful information we need

Many Ways More

  • Check access and security. Make sure, to access the security issues, check all access permissions, Which can accidentally alter the sensitive parts of the network. We are not able to touch them but we can check the firewalls, malware software and antivirus software to make sure that they are working properly or not. So that no security issues can bother the working ability of the user. 

  •  Follow an escalation framework. The IT help desk is the worst, and it can direct you to another person who, And when you direct to that it turns you to the other person. You can have a clear increment of the framework, who is responsible for some respective issue. Who can approach new resolutions? However, you should know that the end user can fix a given issue. 

  • Use monitoring tools. You can manually troubleshoot each step which can not be time consuming throughout the process. When you have a bunch of people knocking on your office door or sending you frantic emails, it can be overwhelming to try to find the problem, let alone fix it. 

However, It is good to use monitoring tools, if you are running any business or an enterprise. Make sure that you get network information, and don't miss anything important. Avoid taking unnecessary risks, and exposing the company.

 Build WiFi Booster

Your WiFi boosting is totally in your hands. It reflects that it's possible that you can transform a simple internet into fantastic one by one,  it can selectively eliminate signals from other devices, Whilst boosting your own device! It's Cool, right?

Make your own antennas

  • Cut the upper and the lower portion with very gentle hands.

  • Cut the metal cylinder by turning it into sheets.

  • Wrap this around your router’s antenna, so that it forms a dome, making sure to leave the front exposed

If you’re not the ‘hands-on’ type, a variety of commercial Wi-Fi boosters are available that may provide you with the speed you need or try wavlink router login to fix it up.


We have given many methods to help you out while making it more easy peesy for you.